
By October 18, 2019 March 26th, 2020 Homebirth

For many women, homebirth is the natural choice. Here are some reasons why…

Giving birth to your child in the comfort of your own home, in an environment that is familiar to you, and surrounded by people who you enjoy most in life, keeps your anxiety and fear to a minimum and can be a positive and rewarding experience.

Family unity and the environment of home:

Birth at home is a normal, natural and sacred event. Your partner and children are encouraged to be as much a part of the experience as you wish. Children, with some preparation beforehand, do great at births – especially when it is in their familiar environment with familiar people. There is a different level of bonding and closeness that older siblings feel when they watch their new baby come into the world. Many families are choosing to birth at home so they don’t have to “disappear” to the hospital and then come home with a new baby.

Personal, individualized prenatal care:

As midwives and women, we respect women, women’s bodies, and the process of having babies. We take the time to know you, listen to you, and support your healthy pregnancy.

Informed Choice:

My Mindful Birth works under the tenet of Informed Choices and Shared Decision Making. You are a partner in your care. It is our job to give you information on tests, treatments, and procedures that are available, refer you to resources for further research, and then allow you to make the decision that best fits your particular situation and philosophy. Except in the rare case of an emergency, where we make the decisions to act as necessary, you always will be an informed decision-maker in your care.

Natural birth on your terms:

Natural birth is a safe birth. Birth works best when there aren’t any interferences with the process. When you are in your own home, there are no “routines”, shift changes, call-schedules and protocols that are designed for care of the masses, instead of your individual care. At home, you and us are working together for your best birth, natural and safe. You can wear your own clothes, take a shower or bath, eat, drink and move around freely during labor. You control your labor position or other aspects of the birthing process, and you give birth without medical intervention, such as pain medication

Real support during your labor and birth:

When you birth at home, we are there to support you throughout your labor and birth, not just for a few minutes at a time every few hours, as in a hospital setting. There are lots of ways to get labor moving along if it needs help, but most of the time, support and encouragement are enough to birth the baby safely and efficiently.


Giving birth naturally is an empowering experience. Plus, it makes what comes after, like breastfeeding, caring for a baby, toddler, child etc… easier. Why? Because you’ve learned to trust yourself.

Babies prefer natural births:

As there are no drugs to interfere with the hormones that act as natural pain killers or the hormones that cause them to immediately be alert and aware when they are born ready to fall in love with you!

Who Is Eligible for a Homebirth?

Healthy, low-risk women with no pre-existing medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, epilepsy, or certain blood-clotting disorders. Most women are eligible; your age is generally not a factor. Contact a midwife for more information.

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