“Go to the people, live with them, learn from them, love them. Start with what they know, build with what they have. But with the best leaders, when the work is done, the task accomplished, the people will say “we have done this ourselves”.

~ Lao Tzu ~

Birth done your way

You, as the birthing woman, knows what is best for you, your baby and your family.

Holistic Midwifery

We will support you during one of the most intimate experience of your life, our care reflects our vast knowledge and mirrors your personal beliefs and birth choices.

Birth as a family event

When birth is integrated into life as a family event, the family is strengthened as well.

A Positive Birth Experience

Whether you’re seeking a more fulfilling birth experience or one with minimal interference, our goal is to help you achieve your desired birth experience.

Informed Choices

We provide evidence based information to enable you to make informed decisions about your care and treatment

Personal Attention

We not only address the physiologic aspect of childbirth; we also address your emotional needs in pregnancy and childbirth.

Meet our team

What Do You Want Most from A Birth Attendant?

Someone who is fully present, who can manage the energy in the room so that it matches yours, someone who holds your space with tranquil vibes, with an openness to witness birth a way she may not be familiar with, so you can relax and experience birth in its most natural and primal form, without belittling you or turning it into a medical intervention, or imploring fear. Somebody who holds your space energetically safe and trusting.

Someone who intuitively takes care of you, nurtures you and elevates your partner. Someone who looks at you and knows when you trust yourself and go inward. Someone who knows when you need gentle mindful guidance even when you are at your most stubborn. Someone who offers you some water, tends to your partner, answers the door so that you can move through the waves as you need to.  Someone with a strong energy to counter your transitioning one … like no girl … we’re staying right here, you aren’t alone, you are ok, you can do this, you WILL do this so let’s do it! Someone who takes pictures and cleans when you want to rest with your baby.

Someone who shows strength, compassion, empathy, and courage. Someone who is honest and transparent, someone who knows your wishes and that you can trust is going to support you and advocate for your in difficult situations.

This is what we do for you!

Isabelle Guillou, APRN-FPA, CNM

Certified Nurse Midwife, Owner

Isabelle graduated with a Master Degree in Maternal Child Nursing and Midwifery from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Upon graduation, she joined a hospital-based practice where she not only gained a lot of experience but also developed an interest in holistic, family centered, evidence-based, shared decision-making midwifery care. In the Summer of 2017, to better serve the women in our community, Isabelle founded My Mindful Birth to support women who want to give birth to their child in the comfort of their home and on their own terms.

Women’s Wellness

Healthy You, Healthy Life

We provide a complete range of well-woman and gynecological care including routine pelvic exams, annual check-ups, Pap, STI testing and birth control counseling. We offer a full range of options with hormonal and non-hormonal methods of family planning.


Support and Guidance

All prenatal appointments are held in our office with the exception of one home visit at 36 weeks. Each subsequent prenatal visit lasts approximately 30-45 minutes, ensuring plenty of time to answer all of your questions and concerns. Our care is thorough and personalized so that you have the healthiest and most well-rounded pregnancy experience possible. We focus on nutrition, stress management, make the appropriate clinical assessment, obtain lab specimens standard to pregnancy, give referrals as needed, address all of your questions and concerns and create a birth map reflecting your beliefs and preferences. We do accept later transfer when possible.
Consultation Referrals with physicians if indicated
Extensive network of professionals for all of your pregnancy needs

Labor and Birth

Birth is Sacred

When we arrive at your home, we enter your birthing environment calmly and quietly, joining you as you labor. Our philosophy is geared to promote a natural birth process and interfere with it as little as possible. As a member of your birth team, our role is to follow your lead and to facilitate your labor with guidance, reassurance and support while responding to each one of your individual needs.
We will assess your progress by observing you and asking you a few questions.
From there we will get you as comfortable as possible, make you feel reassured and safe knowing that your team is right there for you


Comfort and Relaxation

Labor tubs create a semi-concealed retreat for the laboring mom. For many, this is more comfortable than laboring out in the open in view of the birth team and aids in relaxation. Relaxation is crucial to an easier and less painful labor. Warm water helps to soothe tight and tired muscles, providing significant pain relief. The water buoyancy helps the laboring mother conserve her energy as she doesn’t have to support her full weight, this makes any position changes easier. The freedom and ease of movement in and of itself can decrease the sensation of pain. Between contractions, many women enjoy relaxing while allowing their bodies to float. Increased relaxation allows women to dilate more quickly resulting in a shorter labor on average and reduces medical interventions including c-sections, episiotomies, and the need for stitches. It can also help to lower blood pressure.

Immediate Postpartum Care

Falling in Love

There is nothing quite like holding your long-awaited newborn baby, studying their features, and falling in love with them as they are falling in love with you.
We consider the immediate postpartum period to be one of the most important time of the child’s life. We call it the “Golden Hour”. From the moment of birth, you and your baby shall not be separate. We can check you and your baby closely with you keep your baby in your arms. All routine procedures will wait until baby is done nursing.

Postpartum Care

Our team remains with you for about 3 hours following the delivery, making sure that you and baby are adjusting well and that the you have all the information on what’s normal and would prompt a phone call to the midwife.
before we leave, we make a plan to follow up by phone at least once or twice until we return the next day for a postpartum visit.
… and when all’s done and you are in bed snug as a bug in a rug, we’ll give you a big hug and let you rest.
We return to your home the next day for the first of our postpartum / newborn follow-up visit and again, on day 2 or 3.
A final postpartum visit is done by 4-8 weeks postpartum with a focus on well women health and family planning.

Lactation Support



I can't believe it has taken me 5 months to finally write you! I just wanted to thank you for giving me the most magical birth experience that I could ever dreamed of! Out of all four, that was my happiest and healthiest pregnancy and I have you to thank for that. Having your kindness and support along the way made all the difference for me. I felt happy, confident, and excited. I always tell people "Did you know that babies can get hiccups on the way out?!" - Who knew! I also tell them that I had the best labor EVER! Instead of being stuck to a hospital bed, I saw you, went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch, napped, played board games with my kids, watched movies, ordered takeout for dinner, had the most incredible little boy, and then went to sleep! I'm so grateful to have had that experience - Ending my baby making career with a big bang! So, thanks again, for being such a special person to myself and to so many others. Love, always.

Thank you everyone, but most of all thank you Isabelle and Shelli. The comfort and love that you showed my wife was nothing less than amazing. You calmed her heart which calmed mine. Ingrained in a husband's soul and a father's heart is a deep devotion to protect his family. From the moment this process started I never felt the need to. Isabelle and Shelli, I am forever grateful for the true love and compassion you showed my family. I thank you with all my heart

Isabelle is just amazing! I delivered my second with her about 2.5 years ago and just had my third at home. It was the best decision we could've made. Everything was perfect! Wish I had had my other two like that.

I delivered my first in a hospital birthing center and I just delivered my second at home. I am in awe along with my family and friends how beautiful and wonderful it was! There was such a big difference that made birthing our child such a great experience during and after. I only have good things to say and hope more moms can benefit from a homebirth with My Mindful Birth.

Isabelle is such an amazing midwife. I enjoyed every visit with her from 12 weeks to postpartum. She cares for her clients so much. Isabelle wants every woman to have the birth they want. I had my second home birth 9 days ago. I was not able to birth in the water this time as my contractions would stop every time I was in. Isabelle helped me continue to get my home birth by working her magic and using her knowledge of midwifery. She was so patient waiting for my third baby to arrive. I felt calm and relaxed having her there. She was such a wonderful caring person to help bring my little one into the world with. I’m already thinking do I want one more baby? If I have one more Isabelle will be my first call. Thank you so much for your loving care and support!

I had the most beautiful, perfect birth experience I could have imagined with My Mindful Birth. During pregnancy, I was always listened to closely and treated with respect and they trusted in my instincts as a mom. When delivery came, it was the same. I had so much confidence in what I could do because of how I was treated and trusted during pregnancy, and in delivery I was allowed the space and freedom to do what I felt was best for me and baby and the results were beautiful. Delivery was seamless and the aftercare was so warm and caring. They cleaned everything up, they made me food, waited to do anything with the baby until I was ready. Everything was perfect and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience!

I am so emotional about Isabelle and my entire experience with her during my latest pregnancy, labor and delivery. I can’t even put into words how well she took care of me. She sat in her office and chatted with me about my fears and anxiety (they were at an ultimate high during the last few days of my pregnancy.) She said, “once you let yourself go down that path during labor it’s hard to get back together so if you’re up here so don’t fall off.” During the most intense part of my labor, I swear I left the planet and took her words “don’t fall off” with me. I kept saying it in my head over and over and I can’t really remember much else from that part of my baby’s delivery. When she came to check on us one last time last week, I didn’t want her to leave. That shows the bond she built and the trust I have in her. I am forever grateful for the birth experience she helped me achieve. The taboo around home birth needs to be something of the past. Hospital births are rarely necessary. I am not kidding when I say I couldn’t have asked for a more peaceful and comfortable birthing experience. I feel like a warrior, closer to my baby, closer to my husband and our family for being there and experiencing it with us. Seriously, the best experience of my life and definitely most emotional

My experience with Isabelle was nothing short of wonderful. Having her there to validate and support the strength I knew I had to birth my child on my own terms was life changing. She is nurturing and so reassuring through one of the most important events a woman could go through. It was a peaceful and serene birth and I’m forever grateful.

I loved my home birth with My Mindful Birth. Isabelle is an amazing midwife. She was attentive and caring throughout my pregnancy and provided expert care for my home delivery. She has the perfect mix of experience, medical training and passion for women getting the birth experience they want. I fully trusted her and she helped me believe in myself. Thank you so much. I so cherish my home birthing experience!

Words can’t describe how wonderful Isabelle is! She delivered all three of my babies and I’m so grateful for everything she has done for us as a family! All three of my birth experiences were amazing thanks to her kind heart, knowledge, and experience. I never would have imagined that I’d have a home birth but after Isabelle delivered my first two at the hospital, there was no other person I would have trusted to help me bring my precious girl into the world. My home birth was the best of all three and I’ll do it again in a heart beat! Thank you, Isabelle! We love you!

Isabelle is an amazing midwife. She truly goes above and beyond for patients. As a lactation consultant, I am always excited to work with her families because I know they have gotten the very best care in pregnancy and birth.

My Mindful Birth

2021 Stats

Home Births (73)

Hospital Vaginal Births (2)

VBACs (5)

Primary c-section (7)

Repeat c-section (2)

Water labor only (16)

Waterbirth (49)

Episiotomy (2)

Shoulder dystocia (1)

Postpartum Hemorrhage (5)

First time moms (15)

Multips (71)

Risked out prior to labor (3)

Breastfeeding at 6 weeks (86)


“When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change.”
-Marie F. Mongan, founder of HypnoBirthing

Birth Photography

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They say that the memories of your child’s first moments fade so quickly. Sadly, I can barely recall the details of my sons’ first moments. Who wants to think about taking pictures…

Undisturbed Birth

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Self-directed birth vs free birthing Natural childbirth is undergoing a renaissance of sorts as a growing number of women are electing to have normal, physiological birth, free of interventions. While most women who wants…

Freedom of Movement Throughout Labor

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When you have the freedom to walk and change position in labor, it allows your birth to unfold at “your own rhythm” and lets you to respond to pain in…

The Way Children Are Met When They Enter Our World

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“These hands are the first thing that the child will encounter. The language they speak is the primal language, the language of touch. This is how mother and child were…

Imprinted Upon Each Other

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The third stage of labor is a unique time when the mother and her baby create a powerful imprint of each other. This is a very emotional and hormonal process…

What’s a Midwife?

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In the U.S., there are 3 basic types of midwives available to provide care for women.   Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM) A certified nurse midwife is a registered nurse with graduate education…

Prospective clients FAQs


One of the most important decisions you have to make during your pregnancy is choosing the right provider, one who shares your philosophy about birth. To help you with this process, we offer a free 30-minute consultation to give you an opportunity to feel if we are a good fit for you. Partners are strongly encouraged to attend this consultation.

Phone, Text and Email

Phone, text, e-mail, support: our midwives are on call to answer emergencies. We appreciate if phone calls or text are limited to urgent matters and non-urgent matters are addressed via email or messages on the portal. Please note that the business phone number does not accept texts and we are not responding to Facebook messengers. Please, allow 24-48 hours to our response.

Financial Information

Because of the nature of homebirth, when you establish care with a homebirth midwife, you are buying your “spot” instead of “fee for service”. Our midwifery fee is an all inclusive fee and includes all routine prenatal visits between 10 and 40 weeks; attendance to labor and birth, immediate postpartum recovery at home; newborn care and assessment at home; 2 follow-up care visits at home for mom and baby; newborn metabolic test (PKU); newborn hearing test; and a 6-weeks postpartum visit in the office. Non-routine visits, labs, ultrasounds, consults, medications, supplements and other provider fees are additional to the midwifery fees. (Other fees may apply.) In order for the practice to attend a birth, the midwifery fee must be paid in full before 36 weeks.

Insurance billing

In order for us to provide the unrushed, personalized care that we do, we have chosen to remain out of network with insurances. We can provide you with an itemized bill for you to submit to your insurance or you can ask us to submit your claims electronically.

Your insurance benefits in a nutshell

Your insurance may cover some of the cost of your homebirth. Here are a few questions to help you understand your benefits:

Does your plan include maternity care? Does your plan covers midwives/advanced practice nurses? Does your plan covers homebirth? What is your deductible and co-pay? How much of your deductible have you met so far? When does the deductible reset? What is the maximum allowable amount?

Will your insurance give you an In Network PPO? When a PPO waiver is obtained, the claims are processed as if you were using a participating provider while the out of network provider still retains the right to bill the client what the insurance doesn’t cover.

Clients with an HMO plan, health share plan or who have a high deductible are cash pay

Our service area

We attend births in the Western Suburbs of Chicago, we travel within a 70 miles radius of Naperville. We stay South of I-90, West of I-294 and North of I-80. We go as far as DeKalb/Sycamore.

Transferring in

We only take a handful of clients per month and tend to fill very quickly. Occasionally, we are able to accept a transfer later in pregnancy. If you are transferring care to My Mindful Birth, we will need a copy of your prenatal record. You can request a copy of your prenatal record from you previous provider and bring it to the office or fill out a Release of Information form (ROI) when you come to your first appointment.

Client Portal

Our practice utilizes Clientcare, an electronic health record (EHR) which is secured and HIPPA compliant. As a client of My Mindful Birth, you can remotely access your chart via the ClientCare App portal, review your lab results and ultrasound reports, access educational handouts, view your upcoming appointments, and exchange messages with us.

Your first appointment

The initial appointment is a longer appointment which allows us to review your health and birth history, complete the necessary paperwork and financial arrangements; discuss expectations for care as well as any concerns or questions you may have. This visit is commonly scheduled around 10-11 weeks.

Prenatal visits

Prenatal visits in the first and second trimester are once a month. Once in the third trimester, prenatal visits are every 2 weeks from 28 to 36 weeks, and weekly thereafter.

The home visit

Baby will be here soon! A home visit at 36 weeks gives us a chance to talk more about logistics and setting up your home for the upcoming birth. We bring the birthing tub and birth kit with us and will check that you have everything ready. We combine your prenatal appointment along with a review of your birth preferences. This is a great appointment to include whom you plan to have in attendance during labor and birth, like a family member, friend, doula or birth photographer.

Antenatal testing

To ensure that you have a healthy pregnancy, some baseline blood work are done. We are checking for anemia, diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, urinary infection and infectious diseases. As a convenience to our clients, we collect the specimens in the office during your appointment but send the specimens out to the lab company (Quest Diagnostics). Ultrasounds are referred out.


Water birth is very safe for both mother and baby. We encourage all who are interested to experience the benefits of water birth such as:

  • Decreased pain
  • Increased ability to cope with labor
  • Easier breathing because of water vapor
  • Oxygenated muscles (also reduces pain)
  • Increased circulation to the baby
  • Ease of mobility
  • Lowered blood pressure/less anxiety
  • Deeper relaxation
  • Reduced tearing (which makes a much easier and less painful recovery

La Bassine birthing pools are available for rent for a small fee. When you rent the birthing pool from us, it comes with everything that you need such as a disposable liner, water hose, faucet connector, thermometer, fish net, electric air pump, and draining pump. You set up the pool, we’ll take care of cleaning it!

For more on waterbirth and tubs, visit Waterbirth International www.waterbirth.org/.

What do we bring to every birth?

We are often asked this question and we are happy to demonstrate the high level of preparedness for an out-of-hospital birth. So, what do we bring at each delivery?Literally, we bring about the same emergency equipment that is available on a hospital maternity ward or birthing center and because we never know when we are called to a delivery, we carry our equipment with us at all time.

We mostly use herbal tinctures, essential oils and homeopathy but should these remedies not be sufficient, we also carry most medications commonly used on a maternity ward such as Oxygen, IV fluids, different medications including antibiotics and medications if mom is bleeding, equipment to draw blood if needed, sutures, instruments, and Lidocaine for repairs, urinary catheters, speculum, gloves, disinfectant, bulb syringes, cord clamps, amnio hooks, flashlight. We also bring an electric heating pad to warm up bath towels for mom and baby, a rebozo, , a peanut ball and TENS.

Labor support and birth attendance

  • We’ll meet you right where you are, with the unhurried attention you deserve, guiding you through the process of a natural birth. Our continuous labor support and encouragement helps you find the strength that makes it less likely for a woman to request pain medication or need medical interventions. We provide continuous support to help the new family bond as a new unit and make sure that mom and baby are adjusting well.

  • The midwife or her assistant will return the next day for a postpartum visit. This first visit is typically done by 24-36 hours after delivery and a second visit is done by 36-84 hours. A final postpartum visit is done by 4-8 weeks postpartum with a focus on well women health and family planning.

  • Our midwife is on call 24/7 to serve your needs or address your concerns and attend births.

What if my midwife is not available?

Even though we limit the number of clients we take, it could happen that two clients are in active labor at the same time. This is a very rare event and should this happen, we reach out to our sister practice, MidwivesCare, for one of their homebirth midwives to back us up.

What Interventions can a midwife do at home?

My Mindful Birth

The birth of a child is one of the most transformative events a woman can experience in her life. At My Mindful Birth, we believe in a culture of birth that respects women and understands the deeper aspects of birth. Our holistic approach facilitates a fulfilling birth experience. During your journey to childbirth, we will help you find your own magic in giving birth. We truly believe that you are made to do this.

 Take a look around our website, learn about us, our services and about homebirth, see what people say about us. Then, call us and let start to write your birth story together. This is your time to shine!



SneakPeek Clinical Early Gender DNA

My Mindful Birth is a participating location for the SneakPeek Clinical Early Gender DNA test. You can find out the gender of your baby when you are as early as 8 weeks into your pregnancy. We can administer the blood draw and submit your sample back to SneakPeek labs for you, for just $159. This service is available to anyone. For more information about the SneakPeek, please visit the SneakPeek website at https://sneakpeektest.comCall us today to schedule your appointment.

Baby Blessings

A Baby Blessing is a calming pregnancy ritual rich with meaning and beauty …a gathering created to empower and support the new mother for her journey of childbirth and Motherhood.

Opposite to the traditional baby showers, a Baby Blessing is a sacred way to focus on the new mother and her experience. In this pre-birth ceremony, friends and family gather together with the pregnant woman as she reaches the fullness of her pregnancy to celebrate the beautiful changes in both the expectant mother’s body and life. The sacred ceremony is filled with loving intentions, blessings, and honor.

Midwives do have a host of other clinical skills that they can use, depending on their scope of practice, training, and licensure. In general, home birth midwives can do the following:

  • Intermittently monitor baby’s heart rate with a handheld Doppler and/or fetoscope
  • Monitor the woman’s progress of labor
  • Perform cervical exams as requested by the mother
  • Provide physical and emotional support during labor
  • Perform a newborn exam
  • Suture any tears after birth
  • Recognize complications and transfer a patient to the hospital (most of the time complications are recognized and women are transferred before the situation becomes an emergency)
  • Administer oxygen and emergency medications
  • Perform adult and neo resuscitation