They say that the memories of your child’s first moments fade so quickly. Sadly, I can barely recall the details of my sons’ first moments. Who wants to think about taking pictures…

Self-directed birth vs free birthing Natural childbirth is undergoing a renaissance of sorts as a growing number of women are electing to have normal, physiological birth, free of interventions. While most women who wants…

When you have the freedom to walk and change position in labor, it allows your birth to unfold at “your own rhythm” and lets you to respond to pain in…

“These hands are the first thing that the child will encounter. The language they speak is the primal language, the language of touch. This is how mother and child were…

The third stage of labor is a unique time when the mother and her baby create a powerful imprint of each other. This is a very emotional and hormonal process…

In the U.S., there are 3 basic types of midwives available to provide care for women. Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM) A certified nurse midwife is a registered nurse with graduate education…

Beyond providing midwifery care to women, midwives understand the importance of developing long term relationships with their clients. Midwives spend time getting to know their clients and build a relationship…

My name is Isabelle Guillou and I am a Certified Nurse Midwife. As a midwife, I’m very blessed to support families during their pregnancy and the birth of their newborn…

Much of our mindset about labor is socially constructed – when it comes to birth, we hear about how painful labor is. This does create fear and anxiety and a…

One of the most common questions brought up during an interview with a homebirth midwife is what happens at home if we have a complication or an emergency? One of…